All Yahed Levavenu articles mandate actions the returnees of the Ten Tribes are to take.  We at Yahed Levavenu urge all returnees of the Ten Tribes to partake of these actions for the sake of all Israel and the planet.  Though each article has its own implicit and explicit recommended set of actions, this list summarizes all the actions recommended by Yached Levavenu at this time. 

  1. Thank often, at least once every day, for having been resurrected to be among the first contingent from the Valley of Dry Bones.

  2. Acknowledge the G-d of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, as the only author and revealer of true spiritual knowledge. 

  3. Decide that G-d knows best, and be prepared to hear His guidance at any cost regardless of your current belief system.

  4. Before, during and after reading the articles, ask the G-d of Israel to speak to your soul about the articles' contents.

  5. Please print out and read all the articles and prayerfully study their references.

  6. Give yourself the benefit of doubt, and accept the challenge of the Elijah message.

  7. Listen for G-d's answers as recommended, and see if they are consistent with His written word in the Tanakh and follow them.

  8. Enter upon a personal program of repentance and seek  G-d's help with it.

  9. Stand with those who "stand in" for Israel, for her guidance with the Shekhinah, for mercy and for the spirit of repentance to be poured upon all Israel.

  10. Pray for for those who undertake the Lechem Panim functions in the virtual Mishkan of Prayers.

  11. Share with Yached Levavenu the answers you receive for personal and collective directions, so that Yahed Levavenu can share them with its readers for the edification of the rest of the returnees.  (Please keep notes on your prayers and answers).

  12. If you are convinced that these actions are harmonious with the aims of Brit Am, please support Brit Am financially and with daily prayers for its physical and spiritual sustenance.


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